Friday, June 4, 2010

Top 5 Stupid Interview Questions

So interviews can be a daunting task for many, for others it’s become a habit esp in the last 2 years and there are the adrenaline junkies that enjoy interviews. I recently went for an interview and was asked many questions that seems to have been taken out of a "How to interview for Dummies" sorta book. I am writing this post to because I think that there are some questions that are really stupid, redundant and to ask them makes the interviewer look dumb.

Here is my Top 5 Stupid Interview Question

1) Where do you see yourself in 5 Years? : Really?? Why on God's green earth and everything precious to Zeus would someone ask that question? I mean I don't know what im going to have for dinner tomorrow and you want me to tell you where I see myself in 5 yrs. Some interviews kinda got "smart" so now their asking "where do you see yourself in 3 years". I crack up everytime I hear this question. I want to pull out a mini crystal ball out of my pocket and stare at it for 3 mins and say "well my crystal ball has a crack in it I will have to get back to you on that."

Now I understand the purpose of this question but its irrelevant and stupid for the liars the 21st century

2) How do you see our company benefiting you? or Why do want to work with us?: I think the most obvious question to this is Money. Now I know people will say that its the experience and access to knowledge and oh the company is an awesome place to work at etc. etc. The bottom line is MONEY. To prove this theory offer the person a lesser salary than they were receiving and let’s see if they say Yes to the job.

3) Tell me your 5 strengths : Well yes I will tell you but does it need to by only 5? It's obvious I'm gonna lie about it. If not a lie then how do I prioritize all my "full-of-myself skills" in 5.

4) Tell me your 5 weaknesses: "Yeah sure, I am such a perfectionist and i think that is one of my biggest weaknesses because I like to pay attention to all the details". This is what it actually means - I am lazy SOD and all the work bottlenecks at me. How do I know this? Simply because NO ONE, NO ONE, ever tells the truth about their weakness. Now nothing is achieved by asking this question because the interviewer is not getting the truth.

5) Are you a Team player? : "Hell Yeah! I love playing counterstrike and being a part of the team.". Or "No I love sitting in the basement of my mum's house watching old WWE matches wearing my fav undertaker tee and old jocks sipping on a cold beer. My favorite is the title match between Undertaker and The Heart Break Kid". The obvious answer to a question like that is 'Yes!'

Now I understand the reason for asking such questions. These were relevant before Google. However, a quick Google search will tell you how to tactfully maneuver around these questions.

These questions are redundant, what they are meant to achieve isn't. Hence my request, Dear interviewer, is prepare for an interview as much as we prepare for one. Put some effort into it because if you don't then you may end up hiring a tool who Googled their way in.

Sunday, May 9, 2010

A New Normal

We are halfway through 2010 and as the New Year has faded to the current year and then moves to the old year we yet again find ourselves standing the cusp of a new year. What we don't notice is "A new normal" has taken shape. Let me explain the phenomenon.
Darwin explained Evolution as "Natural selection acts only by taking advantage of slight successive variations; she can never take a great and sudden leap, but must advance by short and sure, though slow steps".

A New Normal, as I define it, is the evolution process where nature is not the cause of evolution process but man is. A successive variation is not a slow process but moves leaps and bounds. Let me explain. All the factors of evolution, mutation etc, is sped up because of the impact of man's activities in his environment. In A New Normal phenomenon, nature is not the catalyst for change; Man is.

A New Normal doesn't only apply to genetic modification. It applies to every aspect of existence and activity. Travel, health, communication, information distribution, manufacturing etc etc. Just as evolution doesn't stop a new Normal doesn't too.

As we edge closer to the end of first decade of the new millennium I would like to list my Top 5 'A New Normal' aspects that have occurred in the last 20 years (last decade of the 20th century and 1st decade of the 21st century).

1) Travel: Air travel more than any other modes has changed a lot in the last 10 yrs. I remember a time when air travel was fun. The thrill and the concept of flying without wings attached to you back was something that was baffling and if u stop to think of it, it still is. Now, flying as a concept has been taken for granted. Besides it’s also become a pain in the ass to fly. With all the terrors scares and security it literally has become one of the worst ways to travel. The New Normal in this scenario is that it’s become an 'expected'. So now when I travel by air and looked on like terrorist or frisked and touched all over that's okay with me, because that's how it is. However, if the airport authorities were to smile at me, greet me and be uber helpful I would think something is off. However, that's how’s it suppose to be.

2) Communication: I think if anything has changed the way we live; it’s got to be Communication! The internet is, according to me, the single greatest invention of man. Let’s review. The wheel was to make life easy for man. Its purpose was many manyfold and I agree. However because of the internet I don't have to get into my car, which is on wheels, to pay my bills. I get my movies online and I don't need to travel to another country for a meeting. It all happens on the internet.

The New Normal here is that the internet has changed the way we communicate. There was a time when writing letters was the shit. I remember when emails first popped on the scene people swore it wouldn't replace the written letter. Now business approvals and in many cases contracts are drafted and sent along in emails. However emails have lost out, in cases, to facebook. No longer do people send birthday cards, and get well soon cards by post or email they do it over facebook. SMS, cell phone calls, GPRS are all fueled by the internet and the ability to communicate

3) Society: Societies have also evolved drastically over the last couple of decades. Maybe at a slower pace in comparison but definitely has evolved. Here I'm not talking about only the physical structure of a society i.e. houses and super markets but also the people that live within that society. I remember a time where gyming was for fat people who wanted to lose weight and was not for the reason to stay healthy. Why? Because people would walk, cycle to work and plus work that time was physically demanding they didn't have to exercise. Plus the food then was great and natural and the concept of a six pack was related to beer and not the stomach. Now people gym not to lose weight but to stay fit and in most cases aim for the 6 pack flat washboard abs.
Besides this, people have changed physically. We’ve become petite in comparison to our great grandparents, are immune system isn't as strong and we generally are not a very active generation. Our houses, car and appetite are bigger and so is our wastage. Now there are many movements that work to fight the "bigger syndrome". We are told to recycle, reduce wastage, reduce eating fatty foods, use shampoo’s made from organic stuff, don't buy large SUV's try hybrids etc etc.
The New Normal here is that we have changed, on a physical and societal level drastically over the last 20 yrs.

4) Information: The supply information has exploded over the last 10 yrs. This, again, is primarily due to the internet and the devices that display this information. With the terabytes of information coming up on to the internet every day, movie clips, pics, blogs, news etc.etc. we as a society have a new challenge. The new normal here is when in the past where people used to physically search for good books to derive information now have to search thru websites and webpages for the information. Hence the “Great Google”.

5) Entertainment: This has evolved from puppet shows to theater to cinema to TVs. Our entertainment still pretty much consist of these however the themes and concepts have changed. More sex, violence, crazy concepts like people locked in one house, millionaires wanting to get married on TV, people running across the globe to find clues, singing on stage, alone on a island, I mean the whole point of progress was so that we don't have to get locked in a house with people we don't like, or travel all over the world hunting clues (coz now we have the internet) and thank god we are not stuck on an island. What I’m trying to get at here is that entertainment has become cheap but expensive. For some reason living like our great grandparents does not suit us but we would love to watch other people do it and that too all for money.

I'm not here to criticize anything or anyone. Just want to ensure that people are aware that we are changing and evolving (good or bad) because of our actions. It’s called the New Normal simply because evolution brings something new every-time and that the only constant here is that it’s Normal.

P.S We don't need to play the guitar to be rock stars. Thank you Guitar Hero!!

Sunday, December 6, 2009

Humans - Not really the superior beings

This is going to be my last post for the year and I wanted it to be something special. This topic came about because of the many reasons, 1 which stands out – Copenhagen. The most significant meeting of leaders, in the world, gathered to fight global warming but failed to reach any substantial decision.

We have been victims to the constant barrage of junk information claiming that human beings are the most superior beings and masters of the earth.

Well I would like to disagree and there are several reasons why we aren’t. Here are my 5!

We are parasites: "In general, parasites are much smaller than their hosts, show a high degree of specialization for their mode of life, and reproduce more quickly and in greater numbers than their hosts."

"Parasitism is a type of symbiotic relationship between organisms of different species where one organism, the parasite, benefits at the expense of the host." Wikipedia. Pretty self explanatory.

Our goal is a ‘piece of paper’: I think this is, by far, the irony that ‘breaks the camel back’. Capitalism is all about money. Human beings have gone to extent of endangering our own habitat to profit monetarily. If we were the smartest and most superior beings then this should be a no brainer ‘Ensure the survival of your kind’. However the most superior beings on the planet earth are slaves to an inanimate object. “The creator is a slave to the creation”. Weird?

Irrelevant measures of Success: From heart transplants to sex changes, going to moon or building the tallest towers that reach the sky. We use these unnecessary achievements as indicators of our success as a race. We, as a race, should be concentrating on how we live responsibly and interdependent with the world around us. Not go and fuck up the balance that exists. Now I know a lot of you would say what is wrong with heart transplants and other surgeries that save lives. Well it’s called survival of the fittest. Nature has a way of creating a balance so that everything is in sync. After our so called medical achievements there are more people on the planet and even more people that are dying of hunger, there are more species animals and insects that are going extinct every year and there is more disharmony in our societies.

What’s with going to the moon and wanting to find life on Mars? We have a perfect planet that we are destroying and looking for alternative planets to inhabit. Here’s a suggestion – lets protect our planet so we don’t need to move out of it. How about that?

The ‘ant colony’ syndrome: Everybody knows how an ant colony works. Now picture that you are hovering over the country you currently live in. Doesn’t that bare a striking resemblance to an ant colony? You have one leader – The head. And then you have the rest who work tirelessly building the colony. It could be directly – e.g. Real Estate or indirectly- e.g. Taxes. After all of this we still haven’t got ‘our colonies’ to function perfectly as an ant colony. We are the superior race!

The Brain: The human brain is considered to be the most complex organ till date and the most complex of all other creatures. You would think that with a superior brain we would be happier. The irony is that animals, with the lesser, non-developed, non-superior brain, are happy as long as they have food to eat.

Sunday, November 22, 2009

Top 5 things to remember when at a Networking Event

When I started attending networking events I found the concept and process intimidating. Here I am in the presence of random strangers trying to pick a conversation about a topic that should sound intellectual as well as funny and hopefully do it all without offending anyone. Oh, and all of this in a matter of minutes. Very Stressful indeed!

Here are my 'Suggested Don'ts' when attending a networking event. Some of these are from personal experiences and other from just being told what not to do.

1. Don't be shy or intimidate: Its natural to a bit apprehensive, shy, intimidated for the first few times. There are some who get sick in the stomach when meeting new people. The main thing to remember is not to let it show. The whole point of networking is to MEET PEOPLE; don't let these feelings get in the way unless you walk into a room, filled with crazy women singing
'I Will Survive'. It’s time to run!!

2. Don't act aloof: There is absolutely no point to act aloof when attending a networking event. Either mingle or don't go; it’s as simple as that. However, don't go and sit all by yourself watching other people making friends. Just not happening!

3. Don't stick to one person: I think this one of the most common signs of people who have gotten over that initial fear and now making friends. It’s important to remember the concept behind networking. To meet as many people as possible. However sticking to one or two people will not help you make new contacts. At the same time other people won't be able come up, to introduce themselves, since they notice you are with the same people all the time.

4. Safest topic: Ahh this is my favorite topic, I once had a guy coming up to me, started off by saying "Hey How’s it going" in a soft melodious voice, with a kinda partial closed lip smile and wide eyed. Damn! I feel I was being hit on in a gay bar. Wow! Talk about uncomfortable.
Anyways what I’m trying to say here is pick safe methods of introducing yourself and safe topics to talk about. Some topics to avoid are past diseases, that’s right don't tell a person you have herpes, anal warts or had 1200 volts pass through your body because you were stupid enough to try to repair your computer hardware while it was connected to the mains. Don't talk about how many sister and brothers you are and how your grandma loves her grandchildren. NO NO!!

GUY’s a word of advice, if you are talking to a woman look only at her eyes. Don't try to steal glances of anywhere else simply because if she catches you, that’s the end of that. Another thing, if you see a women with a well endowed bottom don’t ogle cause there could other people watching you.

5. Exchange business cards always: Always Always Always, as a thumb rule, exchange business cards. If you want me to explain why then you’re not fit to even consider attending a networking event.

Thursday, August 6, 2009

Top 5 Songs a Guy should never be caught dead Singing or Dancing too

Before I start with the list let me tell you what influenced me writing this today. I was at a club over the weekend when I saw this really huge, buffed dude walking around looking for someone or something; don't know. Later on that night, as the alcohol started kicking in, I saw Mr. Universe on the dance floor. I'll admit it the guy could move for someone his size. Here's the kicker, the DJ announced that the next song is for all the Single ladies in the club. To my surprise I saw 'Mr. I can break your neck with my pinky' laying a couple chick moves to the club version of Beyonce's Single Ladies. "Wow can this be real?" "But how, why...Why would he do that?" "Is he Gay?"

Now that you know where the motivation and influence stems from, lets go to the list. BTW this is no particular order, so please don't assume that it would be okay to sing to song 5 on the list since its "Not that gay."

1. Gloria Gaynor - I will Survive: No No No No No... this song is not meant for guys to sing, dance or even hum too. You can't sway, you can't tap your foot to the beat, you can't tap your fingers, palms or anything else to that beat. If your already on the dance floor with your partner and the song plays, boo the DJ and walkout.

2. Chaka Khan - I'm every Women: Do I really need to explain why dancing or singing to this song is not cool?

3. Beyonce Knowles - Single Ladies: Again not cool if your the guy on the dance floor fist pumping when you hear "If you like go ahead and put a ring on it" like you've just won. No mate, if you do that, you've lost......your balls. BTW why did Beyonce sing a song called Single ladies when she's married. Ahhh never mind.

4. PCD - Don't Ya: We all know how sexy Nicole Scherzinger is and it is totally a guy thing to drool over Nicole. But Hip-thrusting while making a "I got screwed in the ass" face, singing "Don't cha wish you girlfriend was hot like me" is not cool even if you replace girlfriend to boyfriend. Infact it would just look more gay than before. So don't ya dare

5. Fergies - Big girls don't cry: Firstly, that tittle is a lie. Big girls do cry, infact they cry and whine more than small girls. "Oh! Im too fat.", "You know what Marsha, from admin, said to me today?", "We don't talk anymore", "When we were dating our relationship was more fun, now that we are married life is boring, I'm fat, your ugly and your Mum's cooking sucks. I hate my life" and all of this followed by tears. So you see Big girls do cry.. ALOT and about EVERYTHING. So guys please don't sing just because it an outright lie that has no quantifiable and scientific proof and besides it would be gay to sing it.

So there you have it. The top 5 songs guys should NEVER SING or DANCE or KEEP BEAT too. What do you think? Comments anyone?

Wednesday, July 22, 2009

5 Etiquette for a Smoker

Many of you will wonder what etiquette are there for smoking. Well there aren't any rules that were written in some etiquette book by some old English gentleman sitting and smoking his pipe. No, these are things that I have noticed and feel that smokers should consider when lighting up or while smoking. Here they are

1) Don't blow smoke in someone's face: No matter how much you want to feel like a Fire-breathing dragon; its just not cool! The feeling of suffocation is probably the worst feeling to many people and maybe that's why drowning is rated as the worst way to die. Blowing smoke into someone's face leads to suffocation and may lead people to hate you.

2) Ask permission: If you are in a group of people, whom you aren't too familiar with, ask permission before you light-up. This achieves 3 things.

a. You will come to know if there is someone suffering with any kind of respiratory

b. You will know if the group is okay with you smoking which want lead to hate stares, people coughing or the someone asking you to smoke away from them.

c. You could follow your request to smoke by offering the people in the group an opportunity to smoke along with you.

3) Don't reply "Thanks Mum, I didn't know that" when someone tells you that smoking is bad. They are just being concerned. A tip for the Non-smokers please don't tell a smoker that smoking is bad. Its like telling people that the earth is round.

4) Chew gum after your done with a smoke. Its kinda sick to have to smell smoke breath and will probably be hard to keep a conversation going.

5) When you're done with a smoke try to extinguish the cigarette butt properly in an ashtray. This applies mostly when sitting at a table. It get annoying to have the cigarette continue partially burning.

Now that I'm done with the post I'm heading out for a smoke. Care to join :-)

Saturday, June 27, 2009

5 reasons why Michael Jackson will be remembered

Michael Jackson, Wacko Jacko, MJ, whatever the name the legend will always be remembered. Michael ruled the airwaves since the late 70's right up the early 90's. Post which he ruled the #1 spot on celebrity scandals through the mid 90's till the day he died.

But what made Michael Jackson so loved globally, what is it about MJ that makes people "yeah tell me more". Below are 5 reasons I could come up with that didn't let MJ fade into the abyss of retirement.

1) "Thriller", "Dangerous " and "BAD" the videos and songs that came out from these 3 albums were fresh and to a point revolutionizing for the time it came out . Not only was the music awesome, the dancing and the outfits were something no other artist could compare with.

2) Crotch grabbing dance step: Up until the time MJ popularized "Crotch grabbing" as a dance step, I'm sure it was considered an offensive gesture. Now I'm pretty sure you find women doing this too. Just goes to show the power of MJ :-)

3) Moon Walk: Holyshit how did he even come up with something like that. I mean as humans we've been making music for thousands of years. We even landed on the moon in the 60's but it took one man, on earth, to walk backwards, to popularize the "Moonwalk". WOW sorry Neil Armstrong.

4) Controversies: From Child molestation to bankruptcy to being an unfit parent dangling his child of a balcony all of this added to the MJ Legend.

5) "Final Curtain Call" the last performance: the 50 sold out concert that MJ had planned in London O2 arena. This is something that people wished they would have been able to see for a very very long.

Okay because this MJ we're talking about I'm going to break the rules a bit by adding a 6 point.

6) The integration of Michael's dressing, dancing and musical influence is still so prevalent in today's entrainment. Either directly, such as, listening to music over the radio, to watching your fav comedian imitating him or some talent contest show that has a MJ wannabe doing the moonwalk in a white glove in ankle high black trousers.

According to me these are 6 reasons why MJ will never be forgotten. Comment if you have more points to add.