Friday, June 4, 2010

Top 5 Stupid Interview Questions

So interviews can be a daunting task for many, for others it’s become a habit esp in the last 2 years and there are the adrenaline junkies that enjoy interviews. I recently went for an interview and was asked many questions that seems to have been taken out of a "How to interview for Dummies" sorta book. I am writing this post to because I think that there are some questions that are really stupid, redundant and to ask them makes the interviewer look dumb.

Here is my Top 5 Stupid Interview Question

1) Where do you see yourself in 5 Years? : Really?? Why on God's green earth and everything precious to Zeus would someone ask that question? I mean I don't know what im going to have for dinner tomorrow and you want me to tell you where I see myself in 5 yrs. Some interviews kinda got "smart" so now their asking "where do you see yourself in 3 years". I crack up everytime I hear this question. I want to pull out a mini crystal ball out of my pocket and stare at it for 3 mins and say "well my crystal ball has a crack in it I will have to get back to you on that."

Now I understand the purpose of this question but its irrelevant and stupid for the liars the 21st century

2) How do you see our company benefiting you? or Why do want to work with us?: I think the most obvious question to this is Money. Now I know people will say that its the experience and access to knowledge and oh the company is an awesome place to work at etc. etc. The bottom line is MONEY. To prove this theory offer the person a lesser salary than they were receiving and let’s see if they say Yes to the job.

3) Tell me your 5 strengths : Well yes I will tell you but does it need to by only 5? It's obvious I'm gonna lie about it. If not a lie then how do I prioritize all my "full-of-myself skills" in 5.

4) Tell me your 5 weaknesses: "Yeah sure, I am such a perfectionist and i think that is one of my biggest weaknesses because I like to pay attention to all the details". This is what it actually means - I am lazy SOD and all the work bottlenecks at me. How do I know this? Simply because NO ONE, NO ONE, ever tells the truth about their weakness. Now nothing is achieved by asking this question because the interviewer is not getting the truth.

5) Are you a Team player? : "Hell Yeah! I love playing counterstrike and being a part of the team.". Or "No I love sitting in the basement of my mum's house watching old WWE matches wearing my fav undertaker tee and old jocks sipping on a cold beer. My favorite is the title match between Undertaker and The Heart Break Kid". The obvious answer to a question like that is 'Yes!'

Now I understand the reason for asking such questions. These were relevant before Google. However, a quick Google search will tell you how to tactfully maneuver around these questions.

These questions are redundant, what they are meant to achieve isn't. Hence my request, Dear interviewer, is prepare for an interview as much as we prepare for one. Put some effort into it because if you don't then you may end up hiring a tool who Googled their way in.